Young gay bars chicago

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Quote from a resident: “I grew up in Avondale, and the neighborhood has changed a lot, but it still has so many of the mom and pop type places that I love, although I can’t deny a lot of the new spots are great to have around.” Flickr/Eric Allix Rogers Public transit: The Belmont bus and Blue Line stops will be your lifeline because you are a hike from most anything else. Nightlife is still scarce outside of some local bars. Who lives here: Once the center of the Polish Northwest Side, its backbone is now Hispanic immigrants and families from Mexico and Central America, plus the aforementioned young artsy types.īar and restaurant scene: In addition to the stalwart heavy metal burger joint Kuma’s Corner, Avondale had made its name recently on up-and-comers like Honey Butter Fried Chicken and Parachute. This old industrial neighborhood is still affordable and working class, though an influx of new residents lured by Avondale’s great culinary offerings is threatening to change that fast.

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